Video presentation
Postbus 10
7460 AA
The Netherlands
100 - 199
Timmerfabriek WEBO
Steigerloos Bouwen
Steigerloos Bouwen
Stabu, Raw, Stlb, Vmsw, Standaardbestek, Nl/sfb, Cctb, Sato
24.52.d | Hsb-elementen | D | C | |
30.32.11 | Houten kozijnen | D | A | C |
23.30 | Constructieve elementen | D | A | |
23.50 | Wandelementen | D | A | |
23.51 | Kozijnelementen | D | A | |
24.42 | Vlakke-plaatbekledingen | D | ||
24.52 | Vloer-, wand- en dakelementen | D | A | |
24.52.c | Prefab binnenspouwbladen hout | D | ||
30.00 | Kozijnen, ramen en deuren | D | A | |
30.31 | Stelkozijnen | D | A | |
30.32 | Kozijnen | D | A | |
30.32.12b | Aluminium kozijnen | D | A | |
30.32.a | Montage kozijnen | D | A | |
30.33 | Deuren | D | A | |
30.33.a | Buitendeuren | D | ||
30.34 | Ramen | D | A | |
30.36 | Roosters | D | A | |
30.37 | Panelen | D | ||
30.38 | Toebehoren kozijnen, ramen en deuren | D | A | |
30.80 | Hang- en sluitwerk | D | A | |
31.00 | Systeembekledingen | D | A | |
31.50 | Bekledingen sandwichpanelen | D | A | |
31.82 | Isolatie | D | A | |
34.00 | Beglazing | D | A | |
34.31 | Enkelbladig glas | D | A | |
34.32 | Gelaagd glas | D | A | |
34.33 | Meerbladig isolerend glas | D | A | |
36.30 | Voegvullingen met kit | D | A | |
37.30 | Isolatie-elementen | D |
006.1 | Verbau din 18303 | D | A | |
026.00 | Fenster, außentüren | D | A | |
026.6 | Fensterelemente - holz | D | A |
25.00 | Structuurelementen hout - algemeen | D | A | |
28.00 | Houtskeletbouw - algemeen | D | A | |
28.30 | Wanden - algemeen | D | A | |
28.31 | Wanden - buitenwanden | D | A | |
28.32 | Wanden - binnenwanden | D | A | |
30.00 | Dakopbouw hellend dak - algemeen | D | A | |
40.00 | Buitenschrijnwerk - algemeen | D | A | |
40.03 | Buitenschrijnwerk - montage | D | A | |
40.10 | Profielsystemen - algemeen | D | A | |
40.11 | Profielsysteem - hout | D | A | |
40.11.40 | Profielsysteem - hout/buitendeuren | D | A | |
40.12 | Profielsysteem - aluminium | D | A | |
40.20 | Hang- en sluitwerk - algemeen | D | A | |
40.21 | Hang- en sluitwerk - standaard beslag | D | A | |
40.22 | Hang- en sluitwerk - scharnieren en paumellen | D | A | |
40.23 | Hang- en sluitwerk - sloten | D | A | |
40.24 | Hang- en sluitwerk - deurdrangers | D | A | |
40.25 | Hang- en sluitwerk - panieksluitingen | D | A | |
40.26 | Hang- en sluitwerk - raamkrukken | D | A | |
40.27 | Hang- en sluitwerk - deurkrukken | D | A | |
40.28 | Hang- en sluitwerk - vaste handgrepen | D | A | |
40.29 | Hang- en sluitwerk - toebehoren | D | A | |
40.30 | Ventilatieroosters - algemeen | D | A | |
40.31 | Ventilatieroosters - op glas | D | A | |
40.32 | Ventilatieroosters - op profiel | D | A | |
40.40 | Beglazing - algemeen | D | A | |
40.41 | Beglazing - enkel glas | D | A | |
40.42 | Beglazing - dubbele beglazing | D | A | |
40.43 | Beglazing - drievoudige beglazing | D | A | |
40.44 | Beglazing - bijzondere beglazing | D | A | |
40.60 | Raamdorpels - algemeen | D | A | |
40.61 | Raamdorpels - aluminium | D | A | |
40.62 | Raamdorpels - staal | D | A | |
40.63 | Raamdorpels - kunststof | D | A | |
40.80 | Toebehoren - algemeen | D | A | |
40.81 | Toebehoren - brievenkleppen | D | A | |
40.82 | Toebehoren - deurspionnen | D | A | |
40.87 | Toebehoren - doorvalbeveiliging | D | A | |
54.00 | Binnendeuren en -ramen - algemeen | D | A |
21 | External walls, general | D | A | |
21.1 | External walls, non-load bearing | D | A | |
21.10 | External walls, non-load bearing, general | D | A | |
21.11 | External walls, non-load bearing, massive walls | D | A | |
21.12 | External walls, non-load bearing, cavity walls | D | A | |
21.2 | External walls, load bearing | D | A | |
21.20 | External walls, load bearing, general | D | A | |
21.22 | External walls, load bearing, cavity walls | D | A | |
22.1 | Internal walls, non-load bearing | D | A | |
31 | External openings; general | D | A | |
31.2 | External window openings and windows to fill them | D | A | |
31.20 | External window openings and windows to fill them, general (collection level) | D | A | |
31.21 | External window openings and windows to fill them, fixed windows | D | A | |
31.22 | External window openings and windows to fill them, windows revolving on one side | D | A | |
31.23 | External window openings and windows to fill them, sliding windows | D | A | |
31.24 | External window openings and windows to fill them, windows revolving on vertical or horizontal axis | D | A | |
31.25 | External window openings and windows to fill them, combination windows | D | A | |
31.3 | External door openings and doors to fill them | D | A | |
31.30 | External door openings and doors to fill them, general (collection level) | D | A | |
31.31 | External door openings and doors to fill them, revolving doors | D | A | |
31.32 | External door openings and doors to fill them, sliding doors | D | A | |
31.33 | External door openings and doors to fill them, pivoting doors | D | A | |
31.34 | External door openings and doors to fill them, tourniquets | D | A | |
31.4 | External window/door frame openings with window/door to fill them | D | A | |
31.40 | External window/door frame openings with window/door to fill them, general (collection level) | D | A | |
31.41 | External window/door frame openings with window/door to fill them, fixed window/door frames | D | A | |
32 | Internal openings; general | D | A | |
32.1 | Internal openings; not filled | D | A | |
32.10 | Internal openings; not filled, general (collection level) | D | A | |
32.11 | Internal openings; not filled, openings as passageway | D | A | |
32.12 | Internal openings; not filled, openings as throughsight | D | A | |
32.2 | Internal window openings and windows to fill them | D | A | |
32.20 | Internal window openings and windows to fill them, general (collection level) | D | A | |
32.21 | Internal window openings and windows to fill them, fixed windows | D | A | |
32.22 | Internal window openings and windows to fill them, windows revolving on one side | D | A | |
32.23 | Internal window openings and windows to fill them, sliding windows | D | A | |
32.24 | Internal window openings and windows to fill them, windows revolving on vertical or horizontal axis | D | A | |
32.25 | Internal window openings and windows to fill them, combination windows | D | A | |
32.3 | Internal door openings and doors to fill them | D | A | |
32.30 | Internal door openings and doors to fill them, general (collection level) | D | A | |
32.31 | Internal door openings and doors to fill them, revolving doors | D | A | |
32.32 | Internal door openings and doors to fill them, sliding doors | D | A | |
32.33 | Internal door openings and doors to fill them, pivoting doors | D | A | |
32.34 | Internal door openings and doors to fill them, tourniquets | D | A | |
32.4 | Internal window/door frame openings with window/door to fill them | D | A | |
32.40 | Internal window/door frame openings with window/door to fill them, general (collection level) | D | A | |
32.41 | Internal window/door frame openings with window/door to fill them, fixed window/door frames | D | A |
4 T4.41 | Menuiseries extérieures | D | A | |
5 T5 .55 | Menuiseries intérieures | D | A |
Akoestische kozijnen,
Autocad (dwg, dxf),
Bim 360,
Brandwerende buitendeuren,
Brandwerende kozijnen,
Brandwerende kozijnen,
Food and beverage,
Geluidwerende buitendeuren,
Hout-aluminium kozijnen,
Hout-aluminium kozijnen,
Houten buitendeuren,
Houtskeletbouw ,
Inbraakwerende buitendeuren,
Inbraakwerende kozijnen,
Inbraakwerende kozijnen,
New construction,
Open bim (ifc),
Residential building,
Revit (rfa, rvt),
Tengel- en panlatten ,
Utilities building
ISO 9001 | |
No known quality labels. |
No trade organizations known. |
No known brands. |
Reference projects
Verbouw en uitbreiding van Heemskerckflat te Groningen
Van Wijnen Groningen B.V.
Nieuwbouw ds Abraham Hellenbroekschool te Zwijndrecht
Remmers Bouwgroep B.V.
Student Experience International Amsterdam
Pleijsier Bouw Genemuiden B.V.