


Edisonstraat 20
2811 EM
The Netherlands
until €5000000
10 - 19
Stabu, Raw, Vmsw, Standaardbestek, Nl/sfb, Cctb, Sato
24.00 Ruwbouwtimmerwerk D A
24.31 Balkconstructies D A
24.32 Regel-, tengel- en rachelwerk D A
24.41 Beschietingen D A
24.42 Vlakke-plaatbekledingen D A
24.43 Geprofileerde-plaatbekledingen D A
24.44 Profielstrokenbekledingen D A
24.45 Paneelbekledingen D A
24.51 Spanten, liggers en kolommen D A
24.52 Vloer-, wand- en dakelementen D A
24.52.a Dakplaten D A
24.52.c Prefab binnenspouwbladen hout D A
24.52.d Hsb-elementen D A
24.53 Luifelelementen D A
30.31 Stelkozijnen D A
30.32.13 Kunststof kozijnen D A
40.13 Profielsysteem - pvc D A
40.13.40 Profielsysteem - pvc/buitendeuren D A
31 External openings; general D A
31.2 External window openings and windows to fill them D A
31.20 External window openings and windows to fill them, general (collection level) D A
31.21 External window openings and windows to fill them, fixed windows D A
31.22 External window openings and windows to fill them, windows revolving on one side D A
31.23 External window openings and windows to fill them, sliding windows D A
31.24 External window openings and windows to fill them, windows revolving on vertical or horizontal axis D A
31.25 External window openings and windows to fill them, combination windows D A
31.3 External door openings and doors to fill them D A
31.30 External door openings and doors to fill them, general (collection level) D A
31.31 External door openings and doors to fill them, revolving doors D A
31.32 External door openings and doors to fill them, sliding doors D A
31.33 External door openings and doors to fill them, pivoting doors D A
31.34 External door openings and doors to fill them, tourniquets D A
31.4 External window/door frame openings with window/door to fill them D A
31.40 External window/door frame openings with window/door to fill them, general (collection level) D A
31.41 External window/door frame openings with window/door to fill them, fixed window/door frames D A


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