


Virulyweg 29
7602 RG
The Netherlands
(0)546 762 888
2 - 4
Stabu, Raw, Vmsw, Standaardbestek, Nl/sfb, Cctb, Sato
44.00 Plafond- en wandsystemen D A
44.31 Panelenplafonds D A
44.36 Baffle-plafonds D A
44.37 Gipsplaatplafonds D A
48.34 Wandbekledingen D A
70.00 Elektrotechnische installaties D A
70.81 Verlichtingsarmaturen D A
70.82 Lampen D A
51.50 Plafondafwerking - algemeen D A
45 Ceiling finishes: general D A
45.1 Ceiling finishes; suspended D A
45.10 Ceiling finishes; suspended, general (collection level) D A
45.11 Ceiling finishes; suspended, suspended ceilings D A
45.12 Ceiling finishes; suspended, system ceilings D A
45.14 Ceiling finishes; suspended, cove construction D A
45.15 Ceiling finishes; suspended, curtain board D A
45.2 Ceiling finishes; not-suspended D A
45.20 Ceiling finishes; not-suspended, general (collection level) D A
45.21 Ceiling finishes; not-suspended, finishes D A
45.22 Ceiling finishes; not-suspended, coverings D A
45.23 Ceiling finishes; not-suspended, system finishes D A
45.24 Ceiling finishes; not-suspended, cove construction D A
45.25 Ceiling finishes; not-suspended, curtain boards D A



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