


Heliumweg 18
3812 RE
033 879 5526
10 - 19
Stabu, Raw, Nl/sfb, Sato
32.00 Trappen en balustraden L M K
30.00 Kozijnen, ramen en deuren L M
30.32 Kozijnen L M
30.32.12a Stalen kozijnen L M
30.32.a Montage kozijnen L M
30.33 Deuren L M
30.33.a Buitendeuren L M
30.33.b Binnendeuren L M
30.34 Ramen L M
30.37 Panelen L M
30.38 Toebehoren kozijnen, ramen en deuren L M
30.44 Dakluiken L M
32.31 Vaste trappen L M
32.31b Metalen vaste trappen L M
32.51 Balustraden L M
32.52 Leuningen L M
32.52.a Leuningen staal L M
32.52.b Leuningen rvs L M
32.52.d Leuningen glas L M
32.57 Balustrade- en leuningonderdelen L M
43.31 Luiken L M
43.c Smeedwerk L M
47.00 Binneninrichting L M
22 Internal walls, general L M
22.10 Internal walls, non-load bearing, general L M
22.11 Internal walls, non-load bearing, massive walls L M
24 Stairs, ramps; general L M
24.1 Stairs, ramps; stairs L M
24.10 Stairs, ramps; stairs, general (collection level) L M
24.11 Stairs, ramps; stairs, straigthflight stairs L M
24.12 Stairs, ramps; stairs, non-straigthflight stairs L M
24.13 Stairs, ramps; stairs, spiral stairs L M
24.15 Stairs, ramps; stairs, terras L M
24.2 Stairs, ramps; ramps L M
24.20 Stairs, ramps; ramps, general (collection level) L M
24.21 Stairs, ramps; ramps, walkable ramps L M
24.22 Stairs, ramps; ramps, drivable ramps L M
24.25 Stairs, ramps; ramps, terras L M
24.3 Stairs, ramps; ladders, step irons L M
24.30 Stairs, ramps; ladders, step irons, general (collection level) L M
24.31 Stairs, ramps; ladders, step irons, ladders L M
24.32 Stairs, ramps; ladders, step irons, step irons L M
24.35 Stairs, ramps; ladders, step irons, terras L M
31.3 External door openings and doors to fill them L M
31.30 External door openings and doors to fill them, general (collection level) L M
31.31 External door openings and doors to fill them, revolving doors L M
32.3 Internal door openings and doors to fill them L M
32.30 Internal door openings and doors to fill them, general (collection level) L M
32.31 Internal door openings and doors to fill them, revolving doors L M
32.32 Internal door openings and doors to fill them, sliding doors L M
32.33 Internal door openings and doors to fill them, pivoting doors L M
34 Stair balustrades, handrails; general L M
34.1 Stair balustrades, handrails; balustrades L M
34.10 Stair balustrades, handrails; balustrades, general (collection level) L M
34.11 Stair balustrades, handrails; balustrades, inner balustrades L M
34.12 Stair balustrades, handrails; balustrades, outer balustrades L M
34.2 Stair balustrades, handrails; handrails L M
34.20 Stair balustrades, handrails; handrails, general (collection level) L M
34.21 Stair balustrades, handrails; handrails, inner handrails L M



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